hot glass: Editing Assignment
industrial video
For: Groups of 1-2
Difficulty: Beginner / Intermediate
Students will get practice in their editing software of choice and use critical thinking to make editing decisions based on a voice over.
Points to emphasize
Use sequences, not just shots. Remember action/reaction.
Every shot must have a beginning, middle, and end.
Avoid jump cuts and pay attention to continuity.
Equipment: Computer, editing software, headphones
Students must use the provided voice over and Hot Glass clips to create a 1 minute industrial video. Industrial videos are usually instructional in nature and are often used by businesses to explain their procedures. For an example of good industrial videos check out the T.V. series, “How it’s Made”. You may chop up the voice over to adjust pacing if needed.
Link to the song used in the video if you want it:
For an added challenge, have students record their own voice over for this video with the following script:
Gabe is making Santas at Springfield Hot Glass.
He starts by pulling molten glass from the furnace.
He uses a steel pole and a table called a marver to shape the molten glass.
He cools the glass with a wooden cup called a block and then shapes the glass with wet newspaper.
He then uses a large pair of pliers called a jack to shape Santa’s body and head.
A helper adds Santa’s beard and hat, and Gabe shapes them with a variety of tools.
Then the helper heats up a red rod with a torch, and then adds Santa’s nose.
A molten base is poured on the marver and Gabe places Santa on his new feet.
Finally, Gabe takes the Santa to a special oven to slowly cool the glass figurine.
24 hours later, the Santas will be ready to be sold.
We suggest waiting until after the students are finished to show the example.
Shareable Link: