hot glass: Editing Assignment

Feature Story

For: Groups of 1-2
Difficulty: Advanced

This assignment tests a student’s ability to stay on focus and tell a story with a lot of captured content. The focus statement is “Like father, like son”. This assignment will take a considerable amount of time and effort to do well.

Points to emphasize

  • This should be a human interest feature story and not a hard news story.

  • Students should start by adding sound bites to their timeline; then add nat sound pops and b-roll. The sound bites are the framework for the story. The b-roll and nat sound add texture and visuals.

  • A reporter’s voice over is used to add information. Sound bites are used to provide emotion and opinion.

Equipment: Computer, editing software, headphones


Students must create a 60-90 second feature story from the elements in the raw footage pack. Students must also write, record, and include their own voice overs. Students can use a smartphone or computer to record their voice over. No music, effects, or transitions may be used. Students can add their own made up lower thirds if they want. Tip: Find a quiet room like a closet to record voice overs.


There is a LOT of footage in this raw footage pack. The biggest challenge is going to be sorting through all the footage and staying on focus. In the fact sheet below there are several facts that are not relevant to the story. Students should not use any information that takes the viewers drastically away from the focus.



We suggest waiting until after the students are finished to show the example.