Step 1: For the fastest results, see FAQ below.

Step 2: If you don’t see an answer below, ask the chat bot in the bottom right corner.

Step 3: If the chat bot doesn’t help, email support. We usually respond in 24-48 hours.



Product FAQ

  • Students do not pay anything and are not required to sign up for an account. They simply go to, click “student login” and enter a password to access student content. We do not collect or store student information.

  • To find the current student password, go to, click “teacher login”, and log in as a teacher. Click “library” and scroll to the bottom. The student password will change every semester.

  • Share this information with your technical person or administrator:

    In situations where video content is blocked, allowing the following domains will ensure your ASB Classroom videos will come through:


  • Student Data: We do not collect any personally identifiable information for students. A universal password is provided for all students once the teacher has purchased a login. Students are never asked to provide their name, email address, or any other information unique to them. Furthermore, no grades or quiz scores are logged associated to any student records.

    Teacher Data: The only data collected for Teachers is the data associated with purchasing and establishing a login (name, email address, payment information, etc.) We do not collect personally identifiable teacher or principal data.

    Our privacy policy can be found here:

    Our terms can be found here: